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One fine morning, you wake up rubbing your eyes and staring at the mirror in your room. You find yourself a bit bigger and fail to wear one of your favorite dresses. You might get worried about being overweight and start searching for slimming centers in Abu Dhabi. You yourself put your name on the list of overweight people. But this may not necessarily be the fact always. According to World Health Organization (WHO), the definition of obesity is “an abnormal or excessive fat accumulation that presents a health risk.” Studies say that in protecting the organs, an average of about 25 to 31 percent body fat is required for women, and for men, it is estimated to be between 18–24 percent.

Many get confused with being overweight and obese. Both the category of people have too much body fat and are prone to health issues. But being obese is a much more serious condition than being overweight as a higher amount of body fat is accumulated in the body of obese people leading to chronic diseases like type 2 diabetes, heart disease, and various types of cancer.

The causes of overweight and obesity are not constrained to a specific reason for eating more calories. An imbalance in weight could be due to various other reasons like genetics, where your parents are overweight or obese, physical inactivity, where only a few calories are burned, and medications taken like antidepressants. Psychological factors such as stress and Diseases such as hypothyroidism can also be reasons behind being overweight.

Somehow you could figure out whether you are overweight or obese or not. Adam & Eve Specialized Medical Center, one of the top body slimming clinics in Abu Dhabi, suggests five ways in which you could know whether you’re Overweight.


Body Mass Index (BMI) is the most common unit of measuring obesity and overweight. If your weight (kg) divided by the square of your height (m) gives a result of 30 or more, then you are obese. If the BMI is between 25 and 29.9, you are said to be overweight. If it is 18.5 or less, you fall into the category of underweight people. Another measuring unit to find whether you are overweight is Body fat percentage, which is the measurement of fat in your body. It could be measured by the use of calipers.

Measure your waist circumference by wrapping tape around your stomach. If it is more than 102cm for men and more than 88cm for women, they are at greater risk of developing chronic diseases like cancer. Measure the narrowest part of your waist, comparing it to the widest part of your hip, this is the Hip-to-waist ratio. If the waist circumference divided by hip circumference is equal to or less than 0.8 for men, then the risk of lifestyle diseases is low. If it is equal to or more than 1.00 risk is high. For women, it is low when the ratio is equal to or less than 0.70 and high when it is equal to or more than 0.8.


Snoring is a condition of irregular breathing that disrupts your sleep. Shallow breathing is caused when the airway is narrowed by the deposition of fat by the body around the neck. If your snore frequently disturbs your partner, then it is time to check the overweight you are carrying. When you’re sleeping, if you repeatedly breathe, stop, and start again, you might suffer from sleep apnea. During waking hours, you may also feel extreme fatigue because of the loss of oxygen, and this might be because of being overweight.

  1. CHRONIC FATIGUE If you are tired all the time and find difficulty in breathing when doing household chores, then being overweight may be your problem. Excess fat in your body causes internal inflammation in the airways that may lead to Asthma.

Being obese and overweight can also cause serious health problems, including Diabetes, High blood pressure, High cholesterol, Gallbladder disease, Heart disease, Stroke, Certain types of cancer, Arthritis, Breathing problems like asthma, Kidney disease, and kidney failure.


One-third of obese or overweight people suffer from Gastro Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD). When you experience nausea, a bitter taste in your mouth, and abdominal pain, you can conclude that you suffer from GERD. More acid reflux means excess body weight.

  1. ACHY JOINTS When your knees, hips, and back hurt, osteoarthritis is a common type of arthritis. Joint mobility is decreased because of being overweight, leading to severe pain as your weight applies more pressure on all of your joints.

Consult Adam & Eve Specialized Medical center for the best fat reduction treatment in UAE. Our expert panel of doctors will choose the right weight loss program for you. We ensure to take care of the overweight and obesity problem of our clients and hence by providing a quality life for them.