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Children are more prone to diseases than elders but the rate of children with kidney stones which was once uncommon in them is growing alarmingly. This introduces a situation to be more alert about the health condition of our children which may cause unbearable pain to them. AESMC, one of the topediatric Clinic in Abudhabi P is very much concerned about this issue and is providing a detailed information about the topic.

Kidney stones (also called nephrolithiasis or urolithiasis) are a collection of small, hard deposits of mineral and acid salts formed within the urinary tract blocking the flow of urine. It cause intense pain in children creating nausea and vomiting and can ultimately lead to long-term kidney problems. When compared to adults stones are less common in children and a quick recovery is possible however in some cases children could face an increased risk of developing another stone in the future. Approach the right Specialized Medical Center like AESMC for treatment of your child if kidney stone bothers your child.


Kidney stone occurs when normal urine substances like calcium, oxalate, magnesium and phosphorus get highly concentrated. Calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate stones are the most common stones which are found in the kidney or ureter and must be removed using a noninvasive method.

Mainly four main types of kidney stones are found:

Calcium Stones- As mentioned they occur in two major forms calcium oxalate and calcium phosphate and are the most common type of kidney stones seen in many. Cystine Stones- It is caused due to some genetic disorder. A natural substance Cysteine, leaks through the kidneys into the urine. Uric Acid Stones- Too much of animal proteins intake could lead to this type of stone, increasing acid deposition in the urine. Struvite Stones- This is formed when someone has frequent urinary tract infections. DEVELOPMENT OF KIDNEY STONES

The urinary tract is composed of two kidneys and ureters, a bladder, and a urethra. When some normal substances like calcium, oxalate, cystine, or uric get accumulated in high amounts a kidney stone is developed. But they are formed in some children even if these substances are at normal levels. Small stones of less than 5 millimeters usually moves through the urinary tract on their own but when it gradually get increased in size they stuck within the tract causing pain and blocking the flow of urine. Treatment will be the only option in this case so Stone testing must be carried out in order to find the type of stone which decides the treatment. Our skilled Pediatrician, the Best Child Doctor in Abu Dhabi who can handle the case of your child’s kidney stone giving the best treatment available.


If your child have a sudden, severe pain in the side of the body then it can be taken as a sign of kidney stone. Finding a comfortable position for your child is difficult in this case as she/he may suffer severe pain which can spread out to the belly, groin or genitals.

Keep in mind the following symptoms:

Pain with urination Frequent / persistent urinary tract infection Fever Pain in the belly or back Blood in the urine (hematuria) Nausea or vomiting Needing to rush to the bathroom to urinate Some young children do not show any symptoms. Your Child specialist will be testing to know what is causing these. Kidney stone is found when an imaging test (like an X-ray) is done.


There are certain factors which increase the risk of developing kidney stones in children. These include:

Family history of stones- If someone in the family have kidney stone risk of developing a stone in the child is more. Children who have had a kidney stone in the past may also has a risk of developing it in the future. Long periods of dehydration- Not drinking enough fluids will force the kidneys to make a small amount of urine which increases the concentration of stone. Ketogenic diet- Ketogenic diets are Diets that include a very small amount of carbohydrates. This could also increase the risk of developing kidney stones. Urinary tract abnormalities- Abnormalities in the kidneys, ureters, or bladder since birth can also be a reason. Cystic fibrosis- Children with cystic fibrosis are at higher risk of developing kidney stones. Use of certain medications- Use of some medicines such as furosemide (Lasix), acetazolamide (Diamox), and allopurinol (Aloprim, Zyloprim) increases the crystal content in the urine. Inherited disorders- Several uncommon inherited disorders could also assist in developing kidney stones. DIAGNOSIS

Consult AESMC a Specialized Medical Center for the Best Pediatrician in Abudhabi. We examine your child and do different tests as per required and find the exact size and location of the stone which helps in the treatment of your child. We have a variety of methods such as Medical History, Physical Examination, Radiology and Renal ultrasound, CT scan, X-ray, Urine Testing, Stone Analysis and Genetic Testing to diagnose and locate stones.


Depending on the size of stone and what it is made of treatment for kidney stone varies. Our Pediatric Clinic provides the Best Child Doctor to take care of your child. Some of the below treatments are generally done for treating kidney stones

Extracorporeal Shock Wave Lithotripsy Kidney stones are crushed using a focused high-energy acoustic shock waves in this treatment. This energy break the stone into fragments that can be passed and it takes only about 45 minutes. Sometimes more than one treatment is required for larger stones that are more difficult to break up.

Ureteral Stent If your child has a blockage or narrowing of the ureter then ureteral stent is in need. It is a soft, hollow tube that is placed temporarily in the ureter to hold it open. The child can move around normally but never do any strenuous activities.

Percutaneous Nephrolithotripsy For removing medium to large stones from the kidney this surgical procedure is used. It is sometimes combined with laser treatments to break up large stones for easier removal and with nephrostomy tube placement. To remove the stone small instruments are passed through the skin into the kidney.

Ureteroscopy If the stone is in the middle and lower portion of the ureter then this procedure is needed. A small instrument containing a camera is passed into the ureter through the urethra and bladder. It allows the Child specialist to see the stone for breaking it up into smaller pieces.


As prevention is better than cure, some steps can be taken before a kidney stone attack your child. By drinking a lot of fluids makes the urine dilute and stones are less likely to form. AESMC which tops in the list of Pediatric Clinics is providing some prevention methods for Kidney stones.

Drink more fluids- increase the amount of urine lower the concentration of substances that promote stone formation. Low sodium diet- intake of right amount of calcium and sodium can prevent kidney stones. Encourage potassium rich foods- fresh fruits and vegetables rich in potassium must be included in diet. Less Vitamin D- Avoid vitamin D supplements Less Oxalate- Avoid foods that contain large amounts of oxalate, including strawberries, sweet potatoes, tea, cocoa, pepper, chocolate, spinach, and citrus juices. Kidney stones among children can be found out and treated easily in AESMC. The Child specialistin our Specialized Medical Center is aware of your child’s health and provides them the best treatment available for kidney stones. Your child’s future is safe in the hands of our specialists and worrying about kidney stone issues in future is out of question. Consult our Pediatric Clinic in Abudhabi for more information.