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Joint pain, torn ligaments and muscle damage etc. can occur to patients of all ages. Our Orthopedics & Sports Medicine department usually provide advanced, personalized diagnosis and treatment for injuries and conditions that is related to orthopedic diseases. Sports Medicine Treatments are done for the musculoskeletal injury of the patient making them return to a full level of activity quickly. This treatment is a combination of initial modification of activity, medications, physical therapy, and occasionally surgical intervention. Complete recovery of the patient is aimed managing the injuries connected to Knee, shoulder, elbow, ankle and hip. Injury can occur during exercise, sports participation, or any type of physical activity. A Surgical intervention will be required depending on the condition.

Orthopedic doctor in our Orthopedic Clinic in UAE is specially trained to restore the functions of parts of injured patients. Sports medicine doctors work not only with professional athletes but also with children and teens who are physically active. Adults who exercise for personal fitness and people who have physically demanding jobs, like construction workers are also included in the patient list of a sports medicine doctor. Most sports medicine doctors are trained in internal medicine, emergency medicine, family medicine, or another specialty along with an additional training. Some specialize in treating injuries in children and teens. They will be certified in pediatrics, or family medicine, with additional training in sports medicine. Surgical training is not done by all sports medicine doctors except for anOrthopedic Surgeon.


Putting pressure on the same joints and bones with repeated movements can produce sports-related injuries. These include

Plantar fasciitis :Fascia is a tissue that runs from your heel to your toes. Any damage or stretch of it can cause sharp pain and swelling in the bottom of your foot. Hamstring pull:Excessive jumping or running can overextend the muscles along the back of your thigh. Achilles tendinitis:The Achilles muscles which adjoins your calf with your heel become swollen and uncomfortable in this condition. Concussion:A blow to the head during athletic activity can occur at times. This damage the protective gel and fluid coating your brain, temporarily impairing your cognitive function and causing fatigue. Ankle sprain: This injury occur during any sport that requires repetitive foot movements making your ankle ligaments uncomfortable.orthopedic clinic abudhabi

Shoulder injury: Shoulder injuries are caused by sports that involves throwing or hitting. Inflamed joints or torn ligaments can be caused due to this. strain:Overworking or stretching of quadriceps muscles in the outer thigh can interfere with your ability to walk and stand properly. Hip bursitis:Biking, running, or standing for long periods can cause swelling of hip’s bursa, the fluid-filled membranes that pad the joints. Epicondylitis:Also known as “tennis elbow” this is a swollen outer elbow joint. Lower back pain:Any pressure on your lower back vertebrae, muscles, and ligaments can harm them. A chronic back pain may be a symptom of spinal fracture. Shin splints:These are sharp pains that result from running caused by an improper foot arch, weak hip or abdominal muscles, swollen shin muscles, or even stress fractures, small cracks in the leg bones. Torn ACL (knee):The anterior cruciate ligament, or “ACL,” helps your knee move properly. Overuse or rapid twists can damage or tear the ACL, limiting your leg movement. Palletofemoral syndrome:The knee cap’s cartilage can begin to dissolve or fragment due to repeated strain. Groin pull :Sudden movements can injure the muscles that connect your pelvis to your upper thighs, causing a groin pull An immediate treatment must be ensured if you sustain a significant injury during exercise or sports. Severe pain, swelling, numbness, and an inability to put any weight on the injured area are the signs to make sure that you are injured. A surgery is not required for most sports injuries. Using pain relievers and keeping the injured area immobilized with a cast or sling are also part of the treatment. In advanced conditions a surgical procedure may be required for repairing torn tissue or realigning bones.

AESMC’s Orthopedics & Sports Medicine department offers comprehensive orthopedic care in multiple specialty areas such as:

Orthopaedic Department Patient assessment Intra-articular steroid injections Local steroid injections Cast / Slab applications Wound debridement and dressings Suturing of cut wounds Diagnostic and therapeutic aspiration of joints Hyaluronic acid injections in joints Partial or full excision of ingrown toe nails Ganglion cysts (aspiration and corticosteroid injections) Minor surgical procedures (cysts removal, lipoma excision, corn excision) If in any case you are met with certain conditions like Ankle sprains, Fractures, Knee and shoulder injuries, Tendonitis, Exercise-induced asthma, Heat illness, Concussions, Eating disorders and Cartilage injuries, then visit our Orthopedic Clinic in UAE . In addition to these our clinic also provides advice on nutrition, supplements, exercise, and injury prevention.

For the best Orthopedics & Sports Medicine treatment in UAE you can consult our clinic that offers orthopedic care in multiple areas.