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It has been over a century the imaging technology radiology has come into existence in the medical field. It is not restricted to just medical imaging reporting. Radiologists aid diagnosis and treatment in patient care. A radiologist is not necessarily be a doctor, he or she reviews images and interprets the images discussing treatment plans with physicians and surgeons.

For successful diagnosis and treatment of disease Diagnostic imaging services are an important factor. It helps in predicting outcomes as these provide high order details and sensitivity. It has been also used for ultra-structural diagnostics, nanotechnology, functional and quantitative diagnostics and molecular medicine. With minimally invasive, image-guided procedures through interventional radiology, a radiologist can now treat diseases such as cancer. Early detection and treatments are also possible with latest innovations like molecular level PET/CT scans and 3D mammography. A factor that attracts both doctors as well as patients in adopting radiology services is that treatments are more effective and patients recover faster.

x-rays, computed tomography (CT), magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), nuclear medicine, positron emission tomography (PET), fusion imaging, and ultrasound are some of the common medical imaging techniques used by a radiologist for diagnosing and treating disease and injury. Minimally invasive procedures such as endovascular treatment of aneurysms and tumors, percutaneous biopsies, and pinpoint radiation therapy are also used by radiologists.

Clinical radiology has immense benefits for the patient. Some of them are:

The need for a surgery could be eliminated It diagnosis and manage most body conditions Interventional radiology involves less risk Shorter recovery time than open surgery Can give a visual guide of conditions such as heart disease and stroke Diseases such as breast cancer can be detected early Improves cancer diagnosis The role of a Radiologist have become so vital in determining your health care. When you opt for a Radiologist in Abudhabi make sure that you go for a center that is updated in latest technology and contains an expert team of Radiologists. Since the use of radiation is involved in these techniques, a thorough training to understand radiation safety and protection must be undergone.

In case of AESMC our Department of Radiology is known for its detailed and accurate diagnosis. For any medical condition our team is able to record, understand and enable quick and precise diagnosis.

The below mentioned are some of the Radiology services we offer:

CONVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY In this method x-rays are passed through the body of the patient and captured by a detector. Different tissues absorbs the x-rays differently. Dense bone absorbs more radiation, while soft tissue allows more to pass through. Due to this variance a contrast within the image is produced to give a 2D representation of all the structures. Common clinical applications include assessing lung pathology, examining bone structure and diagnosing fractures, dislocation or other bone pathology, assessing abdominal obstruction, free air or free fluid within the abdominal cavity, assessing common dental pathologies such as cavities or abscesses.

COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY (CT) To create detailed images of internal organs, bones, soft tissue and blood vessels this imaging test is used. A CT scan generates cross-sectional images which can be reformatted in multiple planes. Three-dimensional images are also generated which can be viewed on a computer monitor, printed on film or transferred to electronic media. To confirm the presence of a tumor and determine its size and location, a CT scanning is considered as the best method. Computed tomography is fast, painless, noninvasive and accurate. It can also reveal internal injuries and bleeding in emergency cases.

NUCLEAR MEDICINE Small amounts of radioactive materials called radiotracers are used in Nuclear medicine imaging. These are injected into the bloodstream, inhaled or swallowed. A special camera detects the gamma rays generated and a computer create images of the interior of your body. Nuclear medicine imaging helps in identifying diseases in its earliest stages. If you are pregnant or breastfeeding or is suffering from any illnesses let your radiologist know about it.

ULTRASOUND Sound waves are used in Ultrasound imaging for producing pictures of the internal organs of the body. It diagnose the causes of pain, swelling and infection in the body’s internal organs. Ultrasound is safe, noninvasive, and does not use ionizing radiation. This procedure helps in guiding biopsies, diagnosing heart conditions, and assessing damage after a heart attack. It requires no special preparation.

MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING (MRI) Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is non-invasive imaging technology used for disease detection, diagnosis, and treatment monitoring. It produces three dimensional detailed anatomical images. MRI scanners can also image the non-bony parts or soft tissues of the body. A clearer picture of brain, spinal cord and nerves, muscles, ligaments, and tendons are seen in with MRI unlike in that of a regular x-rays and CT scan. That is why it is used to image knee and shoulder injuries.

DIGITAL SUBTRACTION ANGIOGRAPHY (DSA) In Digital subtraction angiography (DSA) a small, thin tube called catheter is inserted into an artery in the leg and passed it up to the blood vessels in the brain. It is mainly used to detect a problem with blood flow. It provides an image of the blood vessels in the brain. A contrast dye is injected through the catheter and X-ray images are taken of the blood vessels.

RADIONUCLIDE IMAGING A special detector is used to create an image following injection of radioactive material in this method. This test is done to evaluate Coronary artery disease (CAD), Valvular cardiac disorders, congenital cardiac disorders, Cardiomyopathy and other cardiac disorders. Patients are exposed to less radiation in a Radionuclide imaging process. Since the radioactive material is retained in the patient sophisticated radiation alarms may be triggered by the patient for several days after such testing.

INTERVENTIONAL RADIOLOGY Interventional radiology (IR) is also called image-guided therapy. It guide doctors to diagnose and treat problems with blood vessels and lymph vessels. The tests and treatments are done by interventional radiologists who are specially trained in anatomy and image guidance. Children with disorders of the lymphatic system and vascular system are generally treated. Small tools and precise imaging are used by Interventional radiologists to diagnose and treat disorders.

Our Radiology Services UAE are offered by an expert team in treating diseases by means of radiation (radiation oncology) or minimally invasive, image-guided therapeutic intervention (interventional radiology). If necessary further examinations or treatments could be recommended by our Radiologists who have right training, knowledge, and experience. Contact us for more information.